Nepal and Qatar has a historic relations dating back to 1977, six years after the independence of Qatar from the United Kingdom. Since then, these two countries enjoys a cordial and harmonic relations. The following slides presents the comprehensive outlook on the state of relations between the two nations in...
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Mixed Legacy of Trump Administration in the Middle East
Donald Trump was ascended to the throne on a promise of “America’s First” which contradicted the US’s position on a number of foreign policy issues. His way of framing US foreign policy almost totally in business terms neglecting the history, strategy and diplomacy had favored him by the American Public...
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Short Video regarding COVID-19 impacts on World Economy
Due to the ongoing lockdown or some form of restrictions in the movement of people and doing businesses, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted a dire situation in the World Economy in which growth is projected to contract by 4.9 % in 2020. According to the World Trade Organization...
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Impacts of COVID-19 on International Relations
Who had thought that our human civilization would be threatened by the outbreak of a pandemic and it will radically change the way of doing things? Apart from a few Hollywood blockbusters, influential TED speakers, fictional writers, and health researchers, no one had anticipated the scale of the crisis of...
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United Nations in the Contemporary World
UN has been a pioneering multilateral global body for the last 74 years in the area of humanitarian response, aiding the member states, preventing conflicts, maintaining peace and security.UN has been underrepresented, non-inclusive, and structurally partial in the exercise and powers in the decision making especially in its organ, the...
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